1 year in the Florida Panhandle!

     Today makes one year since I moved to the FL panhandle! My life is so much fuller now! I live closer to family and got to spend a lot of time with them! I got to go back to WV for Christmas for the 1st time since 2016! I've lost about 15 pounds. The last 6 months in Orlando all I did was work, sleep and eat. I was truly unhappy. I found a job I (usually) enjoy and have met some wonderful people there! The work life balance is better than with Disney that's for sure. I made it to WV twice and both Disneyland and Walt Disney World. I've been to the movies a lot at least 40 times. And I have a new baby cousin that was born last week! 

    I started attending church regularly again for the first time since 2017. I prayed before moving here the 1st church I would attend was the one he wanted me to attend. The people there are wonderful! Getting regularly involved in a church makes me a happier person. I help with the kiddos pretty much every week. My plan was not to help out and just sit back but my pastor Sam encouraged me to help out with the kids. I thought "I love kids but maybe I should just sit out." But I tried it and now I'm involved with several projects. I joined a men's Bible study. It is great having a pastor your age for many reasons! I'm doing much better mentally, physically and spiritually! It was a great move! 
